A Drone!... Underwater!
I am a huge fan of drones, and that was for the ones in the air, but now thanks to this campaign, I have discovered a whole new world of...
The Master of Time...
I am one of those type of people who packs their days full of tasks, their hardly feels like a spare second sometimes.. I work a full...
This Campaign is so clean...
'Klistem', is the one touch, 90 Second, 99.9% Bacteria killing Portable Sterilizer, and it looks fantastic! I know I've gone over this...
Changing the shape of the building block...
Over the years we've become accustom to the rectangular brick shape of the building block. 'NoilzBox' though, could be about to change...
The First Animative Backpack...
As you may know, now and again I find a campaign that photos can truly do a better job than my words could ever try. 'Pix' is one of...
Flipping amazing playing cards!...
These playing cards are half playing cards and half flip-books, and truly, the combination works so well. I always socialize playing...