Over the years we've become accustom to the rectangular brick shape of the building block. 'NoilzBox' though, could be about to change this.
With it's triangular shape and inventive way of connecting together, the 'NoilzBox' is truly a revolutionary idea.
The designers behind the shape have detailed on the 'NoilzBox' campaign page that their building blocks were inspired by the art origami, 'allowing you to build anything you can think of, including shapes with curves and spheres.' Each piece is created from high quality silicon, so it's bendy and durable, plus, as the 'NoilzBox' campaign video points out, it doesn't hurt when you tread on them like other Building Blocks.
This truly is a breakthrough, no one usually challenges the building blocks at the top of the toy chains, but these could be a competitor.
Looking for: $30,000 Current (upon writing): $7,727 Go show some support at: NoilzBox's Kickstarter