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ACESO - The Next Gen Sanitizer for Things

ACESO, pronounced as uh-see-so [ə'si'soʊ], named after the Greek goddess of the healing process.

Viruses, bacteria, we unknowingly collect them onto our hands, then pass them to our phones, wallets, keys, credit card, etc.

We know to wash our hands, but when it comes to cleaning our personal items, such as cellphones, keys, earbuds, wallet, etc, we don't really have a proper solution.

Motion-sensor allows for 100% contactless disinfection, avoiding any possible cross-contamination, ensuring that disinfection is completely effective.

You can also sanitize things like nursing and feeding products, small kid's toys, toothbrushes, electronic toothbrush heads, razor blades or anything that can fit inside the compartment and is safe for UV disinfection.

Embedded UV-C lights kill 99.9% of all surface-level viruses and bacteria. A reflective coated interior allows the UV-C lights to achieve a complete 360° disinfection, ensuring all surfaces are properly disinfected.


Looking for: $60,000 Current (upon writing): $12,656

Go show some support at: Kickstarter


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