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Trippy Speakers with no connectivity issues

TRIPPY speakers are a breakthrough in my eyes (ears)! Instead of having to faff around with cables or get annoyed with Bluetooth, Trippy speakers just play. Put your phone on top of the gorgeous bamboo finish, and the speakers play. Even better, no pairing, so when your friend wants to listen to songs on there phone, they can change Place and Play as well!

Trippy has some great science behind them as well, using magnetic fields surrounding your phone, sensors inside can push the electro magnetic waves out through the speakers - and if that doesn't mean anything to you! Just note - You place, it plays.

Please support this project, you need one of these in your life!

Looking for: SEK 150,000 Current (upon writing): SEK 116,577

Go show some support at:

You Place, it Plays!

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