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Fat Iron: Iron off stubborn fat & stretch marks

The only FDA cleared device made for home-use that lets you sculpt the body you want. Fat Iron combines 3 clinically proven powerful Fat-reducing and skin-tightening technologies. They work in synergy to iron away stubborn fat, stretch marks, saggy skin, and wrinkles while strengthening & toning your muscles. All of that in only 15 min/day.

Fat Iron uses the same technology they use in fancy clinics. In those clinics, they add lots of wires, a big stand, and an impressive screen only to justify the price they charge; but only a small part does the work. Fat Iron uses the same powerful technology in a compact, affordable, and comfortable for home-use device... And only requires 15minutes of use a day.

Stubborn fat cells are high in alpha receptors which prevents them from releasing their fat content regardless of sport and diet. The powerful technology of Fat Iron is strong enough to empty those stubborn fat cells easily and safely.

Women usually accumulate those cells around the thighs, hips and lower belly while men tend to have them on the love handles area.

We all struggle to lose fat but sometimes that’s only half the battle. After we’ve lost the fat we often suffer from saggy uneven skin and unappealing stretch marks, without mentioning the cellulite that persisted after the diet.

The physiology of stubborn fat cells makes them resistant to regular diet and exercise. Fat Iron’s technology is designed to target those stubborn fat cells and empty their fat content. Fat Iron is the only way to effectively do this.


Looking for: $10,000 Current (upon writing): $190,134

Go show some support at: Indiegogo


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