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VR Ears | Hear Off-World, Listen Off-Ear

Finally feel sound that completely immerses you in your virtual world. Introducing the first audio solution built from the ground up to deliver high performance audio to all leading VR headsets with premium off-ear speakers, VR Ears™.

Alleviate discomfort caused by traditional over-ear, on ear, or in-ear headphones, and completely forget you are wearing anything at all. Surround your world with sound instead of having it piped into your skull. These are your new virtual ears.

Modern video game engines and VR applications already utilize advanced 3D spatial and binaural audio algorithms that deliver sound in L/R stereo channels. VR Ears delivers this audio experience to players in the best way possible while in motion.

Surround sound speaker setups cannot deliver positional audio in VR without the power of levitation. VR ears gives you the full feeling of off-ear surround sound, even as you move your head and body, no matter where the shot is coming from.

Better sound accuracy means getting the drop on an enemy faster, or avoiding death in precarious situations. Let all who dare to sneak up on you beware the VR Ears. HeadStrap™ is sold separately and will be available to purchase post campaign via Pledge Manager.

VR ears has developed an audio experience that is nearly on par with sound in the real world, while display optics may need time to catch up. VR Ears is ready for that future.


Looking for: $30,000 Current (upon writing): $153,676

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