Whether you have always dreamed of having fresh basil in your kitchen or wanted to grow jasmine at your desk — Pico is there to do all the hard work for you.
Get plant parenting right with Pico, and ensure your plants are always happy. Whether you’ve never grown something before, or have a houseful of plants, Pico will help you get everything right.
Pico—Your Journey to Better Plant Parenting
No more guess-work! Don't worry about underwatering or overwatering.
Don’t worry about them not getting enough sunlight or being too exposed. Be it edibles, succulents or ornamentals, Pico knows what your plants need.
Pico will help you take your first steps into the magnificent world of growing plants. Easy and affordable, it ensures your plant journey is a success from the get-go.
No time-consuming research, no intimidating functions, no pressure—only Pico.
Looking for: $10,000 Current (upon writing): $800,769
Go show some support at: Kickstarter