As a cat owner, you know that typical old-school cat litter boxes are not a good choice to avoid odors and litter tracking and are inconvenient to maintain in your busy life. Other litter boxes with various automatic features are complicated, unreliable and very expensive.
That’s why we created Igloo, an affordable automatic modern cat litter box with fully enclosed design. Igloo is a revolutionary litter box that all cat owners need. Not only better for you, but also better for your cat!
Igloo was designed to free you from the unpleasant and time-consuming chore of scooping. It uses a more convenient and sanitary method. Each time after your cat finishes their business, Igloo starts a one hour countdown to make sure cat feces is dry and then initiates a cleaning cycle that funnels all wastes into a tightly-sealed receptacle. All you have to do is to discard the waste bag once in a while.
Each cleaning cycle takes about 90 seconds. The built-in cat recognition sensor detects whether your cat is entering or exiting the box. If your cat hops back in during a cleaning cycle, Igloo will pause the cycle automatically.
After each visit from the cat, the waste is stored in the waste drawer. When full (about once per week for a single cat) a notification is sent by app. Then, simply press the button on the litter box or the Igloo app. This will seal the waste bag automatically, making it ready for you to discard at your convenience. After discarding, Igloo will automatically replace the waste bag with a clean one.
Looking for: $10,000 Current (upon writing): $11,544
Go show some support at: Indiegogo