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Dr Bubbles Waterless Car Cleaning

Dr. Bubbles is set to change the way consumers like YOU clean their cars.

Problem #1 - Convenience: Jody Pattison, CEO, and Founder of Dr. Bubbles, was frustrated one day. It was the very process of getting his car cleaned that led him on this journey. He found that the best-case scenario when taking his car to be cleaned was that he would be waiting for 30 minutes, watching someone clean his car. The reality was that he could be waiting around watching other people's cars be cleaned before they got to his, or worse he was turned away and forced to make an appointment for another day!

The solution: Jody, with his fellow Co-Founder Sameer Marria, created a mobile app that enables us to bring a car cleaner to where you are, meaning this job can be done whilst you are occupied doing something else, freeing up your free time to be just that! Free time.

Problem #2 - Water wastage: The second problem we came across, is a multi-faceted solution to a myriad of problems. Cleaning your car wastes on average 90 liters of water! Aside from being wasteful, creating a mobile solution that requires 90 liters of water per clean is hardly a scalable mobile solution!

Solution: A range of waterless car cleaning chemicals using the latest nanotechnology. These chemicals, aside from the obvious environmental benefits, also enable a car cleaner to carry enough chemicals to clean seven cars in a backpack that only weighs six kilos. A truly eco-friendly, mobile and scalable solution!

Problem #3 - Man-power: The last problem we had was first finding the cleaners and secondly making sure they delivered a satisfactory service to our customers.

Solution: We do that in a number of ways. Firstly, we do a simple to follow online tutorial on using the non-harmful chemicals, followed by a series of test questions to assure they have comprehended the tutorial. Once cleaners are in the field, we hand the policing of the customer service to you, the customer, by simply asking you to rate the service you have been given after a clean. Five-star reviews will be highly incentivised to the cleaners with rewards by Dr. Bubbles.


Looking for: £100,000 Current (upon writing): £1,241

Go show some support at: Indiegogo


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