'The Future of Wearables', is Logic.Ink's tag line, and there is no way you can deny that!
The idea of something on your body telling you live, up to date details about your body! Feels very futuristic. You see it in movies, set in 2148, the main protagonist looks at the back of his hand and sees his in-body UI. This is what Logic.Ink is, obviously not in your body like in my visualization of 2148, but on the outside of your body as a temporary tattoo (like 2018).
These temporary tattoos have been designed using special inks that react to senses from your sweat, skin volatiles, skin microbiome, and your surrounding environment to provide you, the wearer, with live information about your body. Given that the display is on your body, this eliminates having to use complicated apps and devices to see the same results.
The team behind these fantastic tattoos have already developed the UV Exposure tattoo and are currently working hard on a bunch more, including tattoos that can detect Pollution levels around you, your Alcohol Consumption levels and the Temperature inside and around you, plus many more.
I think these are incredible, very intelligent and have so many possibilities. What a great idea, that could really change the way we view data.
Looking for: $19,506 Current (upon writing): $9,717 Go show some support at: Logic.Ink's Kickstarter