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Bang, Bang, You Shot Me Down...

Somethings never seem to get updated, we feel like we've hit the imaginary ceiling of improvement on a product and that stops us from wasting our time on bettering it. I feel like the water gun is one of these products.

For so long now we've had those pump action water guns that, yes, do work great but could they be better, oh I do believe so..

Welcome in, Spyra One, the future of water guns! No longer do we need to pump action to fill our firepower, just place the head of the gun in water and with a push of a button, and a mere 14 seconds later, your gun is full and ready for a round of 25 bursts. This, and a LCD screen to tell you how many shots you've got left, is a perfect upgrade to the water gun.

Looking for: $51,000 Current (upon writing): $298,972

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